Factors affecting rate of evaporation pdf

Youd simply put a little water into two shallow containers, such as pie pans. This testable question regards the different factors, such as the temperature surrounding the water being evaporation, the temperature of the water being evaporated, the temperature of the air surrounding the water being evaporated, the humidity of the. Evaporation occurs when water changes from its liquid form to its vapor form. Factors affecting evaporation by hee guan ru aaron 1. Vaporization increases with an increase in the surface area. The heat energy that these gas particles lose when they become a liquid is given to the surface that they have bumped into, e. Factors affecting the rate of evaporation evaporation happens when a liquid particle gets enough kinetic energy to break its liquid bonds and escape as a gas. Many factors influence how quickly a liquid evaporates. The higher the concentration of water vapour, the more gas particles will collide per second with the cold glass, forming liquid particles.

So very humid conditions can lead to a higher rate of condensation. Lower pressure on open surface of the liquid results in the higher rate of evaporation. Factors affecting transpiration both internal and external. The heat of the sun facilitates the evaporation process, which is important in the water cycle. Environmental factors such as intensity of light, temperature, atmospheric humidity, wind velocity, availability of soil water, etc. Evaporation is the process by which water changes from a liquid to a gas or vapor. The principal weather parameters affecting evapotranspiration are radiation, air temperature, humidity and wind speed. Kandall abstract evaporation suppression is the reduction of evaporation by controlling the rate at which water vapor escapes from water s trf aces. A global quantitation of factors affecting evapotranspiration variability article pdf available in journal of hydrology february 2020 with 246 reads how we measure reads. Economic factors hajvery university faculty of pharmacy 6 7. Evaporation also links hydrology to atmospheric science and, through transpiration, to agricultural sciences. Factors affecting evaporation from free water surface.

In this way, water transfers from both the land and water masses to the atmosphere. Evaporation does not take place at a constant rate. When a gas condenses to form a liquid, its particles are cooled down which means that they lose kinetic energy. The main factor affecting evaporation losses is due to solar radiation. Factors affecting evaporation evaporation atmosphere. Rate of evaporation depends upon the nature of the liquid. The rate of evaporation increases with an increase in surface area. The higher the wind, the greater the transpiration. If this sounds interesting to you, you can devise an experiment to test the different factors that affect the evaporation rate of water.

This leads to cooling of the remaining liquid particles as each each particle that evaporates takes away some energy from the rest of the pack. The rate of evaporation of a liquid increases with increasing wind speed. In other words, it becomes liquid and forms little drops. Our testable question for this experiment is what factors affect the rate of evaporation of water. Wind velocity greater is the wind velocity, higher is the rate of evaporation. Evaporation happens when a liquid particle gets enough kinetic energy to break its liquid bonds and escape as a gas. What types of factors affect the rate of evaporation. Temperature higher is the temperature, greater is the rate of evaporation. Solar radiation is directly proportional to the rate of evaporation. In the experiments reported in this paper an attempt has been made to eliminate the factor of capillarity and to confine the studies entirely to evaporation in order to determine, as nearly as possible, the effect of a number of the factors involved in the evaporation of moisture from the soil. Concentration of the substance evaporating in the air if the air already has a high concentration of the substance evaporating, then the given substance will evaporate more slowly. Students will develop testable questions related to the evaporation rate of liquids in sponges.

Factor affecting evaporation, class a evaporation pan, isi pan, waterenergy budget method. Water balance method mass transfer method energy budget. The evaporation power of the atmosphere is expressed by the reference crop evapotranspiration et o. Factors affecting evaporation mindmeister mind map. This testable question regards the different factors, such as the temperature surrounding the water being evaporation, the temperature of the water being. Atmospheric pressure on the liquid under evaporation 6. The rate of transpiration increases with increase in temperature. Rate of evaporation is faster with moving air present 1. The evaporation loss is directly proportional to the surface area of water. If the air already has a high concentration of the substance evaporating, then the given. The need for water saving is greatest in areas of little imnfall and low runoff.

Factors affecting rates of evaporation flashcards quizlet. Various factors affecting the rate of evaporation are. Learn about the different type of condition that will affect the rate of evaporation. One of the important factors influencing water losses is the wetness of the soil, or the initial percentage. Factors affecting the rate of transpiration qforquestions. The evaporation rate is an important factor that influences the effect of evaporative cooling of permeable pavements. Heat is the source of energy that causes evaporation. The rate of evaporation is depended on the following.

They include the vapor pressure of the air, which is a function of temperature, wind speed, solar radiation. Factor rate of evaporation 1 temperature of the surroundings substance the higher the temperature, the faster the rate of evaporation. Over the years numerous environmental factors have been correlated with evaporation. The amount of water vapour present in the air is called humidity. An increase of surface area an increase of temperature a decrease in humidity an increase in wind speed. Surveys on modeling evaporation have been produced by brutsaert. Due to high temperature, the enzymatic activity is high and also the rate of evaporation. Factors affecting the evaporation there are seven factors to affect evaporation. The students will identify the factors involved in evaporation rates. The more the temperature, the more liquid its exposed to.

Plant factors affecting evaporation include stomatal conductance and leaf area index. Evaporation evaporation is the process in which a liquid changes to the gaseous state at the free surface, below the boiling point through the transfer of heat energy. Several procedures have been developed to assess the evaporation rate from these parameters. Due to high winds, the water molecules from the surface of the leaves is removed. Drying your hair with a hair dryer, the moving air from the hair dryer removes the molecules of liquids as soon as they escape from the surface of your hair. Read this article to learn about the following two factors affecting evaporation from free water surface, i. As stated earlier, heat is known to affect evaporation, just like how the clothes dry faster during summer too.

The rate of evaporation is affected by the following factors. Factors affecting the evaporation of moisture from the soil1 by f. Wind affects the rate of evaporation by bring ing fresh samples of air in contac t with the evaporating surface. Vaporization increases with the decrease in humidity. This activity will develop thinking skills, inquiry skills regarding evaporation factors or conditions, and enhance their understanding of the scientific method in determining. Review of literature on evaporation suppression by george b. Pdf factors influencing evaporation from sample cups, and. Factors affecting evaporation there are seven factors to affect evaporation. Robinson, fellow in agronomy, utah agricultural experiment station introduction the importance of soil moisture in crop production is well understood.

The rate of evaporation is directly dependent on the temperature its exposed to. Factors influencing the rate of evaporation concentration of the substance evaporating in the air. However, during hot summers, the leaves tend to wilt due to excess water loss. So what factors affect the rate of evaporation how can we speed up evaporation. The factors that affect the rate of evaporation of alcohol are the exposed surface area of the alcohol, the temperature of the surroundings, and the other particles that are present in the alcohol.

The wind is a critical factor of evaporation as in the wind, for example, dry the clothes faster, under a fan or when the weather is windy. Factors that affect evaporation include the concentration of the evaporating substances in air, temperature, air pressure, the rate of airflow and surface area. As temperature rises the capacity of the air mass to hold vapour molecules increases. The main factors that have an effect on vaporization are as follows. Evaporation from water and other wet surfaces is a continuous process.

The theory presented in this report is general, and for any given rate of evaporation from pure water, the effect of salinity on evaporation and the attendant temperature rise can be determined on the basis of measurements of air and water temperatures, humidity, and atmospheric pressure. Factors affecting evaporation losses and how it occures. Studies of evaporation geological survey professional paper 272 this volume was published. Factors affecting evaporation how fast evaporation takes place depends on several factors. The rate of evaporation increases with an increase in temperature. It is determined by a complex system of factors, such as air temperature, relative humidity, water temperature, moisture content. What are the factors that affect the rate of evaporation. The cooling caused by evaporation is based on the fact that when a liquid evaporates, it draws or takes the latent heat of vaporization from anything which it touches. Approximately 80 percent of evaporation occurs over the oceans, with the balance occurring over inland water bodies, plant surfaces and on. Evaporation is also affected by the atmospheric pressure exerted on the evaporating surface. The attractive forces between the particles bring them closer together so that they form liquid bonds. Firstly, the higher the temperature, the faster the particles move around and. Several factors influencing evaporative loss have been identified and measured find. What factors affect the rate of evaporation of water.

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